So, it is a rainy Saturday afternoon and it is the perfect time to write a blog.
Now….. what would people really like to read, what interests them, what business or life ideas do they need ? …. If you have something on your mind and want to ask me, please do. I would love to hear from you and give my comments back. I do sometimes get a questions and often feedback, but would love to be more engaged with my readers.
In one of my coaching sessions we discussed expectations of new employees and what makes a great boss ? So here is a section on my take of it:
Nobody expect new golfers to win a major tournament right away. So why do often managers expect their employees to be on par immediately with every new task ?
A study from Richard Ivey School of Business encourages managers to understand when to set learning versus performance goals for their staff.
First it should be stressed on performing the task instead of how well they can perform it.
Instead of having negative feedback, have learning goals to ease the tension. Pressure and stress always has a negative effect on every task. We need to learn the basics before we can keep score, just like in golf. Studies have shown that when employees receive negative feedback, they start to work harder, but what needs to be done is work smarter. Rather than looking to impress, they should be focusing on learning and improving.
Learning goals help overcome obstacles and significant setback that are a natural part of learning. The best managers gears their employees toward a greater understanding of how to maximize employee performance through setting goals with the correct content for tasks. The employee will not feel overwhelmed, but encouraged, because the manager understands and lets them develop their skills. Then asking later for more, it better, as it won’t be so hard.
Improving communications and sometimes a small strategic change in leadership can make all the difference. Also you want commitment from your staff, and providing a longer term vision that people believe in creates change within.
When I dare to be powerful – to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
~Audre Lorde