Wanto To be a Star Performer?

THE JOB OF AN ATHLETIC COACH is to bring out the greatness in athletes in their sport. Similarly, the job of a professional coach is to bring out the personal and professional greatness in individuals and teams in the game of life and work. Star athletes and sports teams have coaches. If you want to excel in your professional and personal life, or if you want stellar performance for your work team, then consider hiring a professional coach.

Professional Coaching Language for Greater Public Understanding

By: David Matthew Prior, MCC, MBA**
Co-Chair, ICF Ethics & Standards Committee

The Profession of Coaching is not Clearly Understood by the Public despite an estimated 20 years of business existence and practice, the profession of coaching clearly remains in its infancy. Although many people in the United States are beginning to hear about personal and business coaches, the vast majority of the public is still unknowledgeable about what a coach actually does.

Choose a Coach with Care


Depending on whom you ask, executive coaching has many definitions. To some, it’s a buzzword, a relabeling of practices that used to be handled informally by mentors or more formally by consultants. To others, its strength is the combination of the practical informality of the former and the objectivity of the latter.

Executive Coaching, corporate Therapy From the Economist Print Edition

Having an executive coach is all the rage IT ALL sounds alarmingly like the process of self-criticism that kept Chairman Mao’s China on the ideological tracks. Your company hires an outsider to grill your boss, your staff and perhaps even your spouse on the shortcomings (and strengths) of your behaviour. The outsider confronts you with the findings and together you draw up a plan for self-improvement. Your boss and staff undertake to help you to keep to the plan. From time to time, the outsider returns to check on how you are doing.


Up the Ladder; Even Executives can use help from the sidelines

By DIANE COLE (NYT) 998 words

When a colleague told Julie Day, a lawyer in Fairfax, Va., that she was consulting an executive coach — a new breed of personal trainer who helps clients develop business acumen and people skills — Ms. Day was not impressed.

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