What is Business Coaching
Business coaching is the practice of providing positive support and feedback, combined with mentoring and advice to an individual or group in order to help them recognize ways in which they can improve the effectiveness of their business.

Annette works with businesses, leaders and individuals, to inspire and encourage business success
- Do you need help with business planning, budgeting, and goal setting.
- Is your business not growing fast enough
- Are you not clear where you want to be in 3-5 years
- Is stress taking its toll on your health
- Are you not enjoying your business as you should
- Could yo be better organized and have better systems
- Are you frustrated because you feel stuck
- Are you balancing your business and personal life properly
- Do you need help maximizing your work effort.
- How can you make make better key decisions.
- Do you need help prioritizing your actions and projects.
- Are you always catching up and getting ahead of the business.
- Do you need to focus on training, developing and managing your staff.
- Do you need to increase your sales and productivity
- Do yo need help to resolve and deal with conflict.
- Let’s unlock your true potential for your growth
- Defining your values, and your the ability to stand behind them with conviction.
- Identify your limiting beliefs, assumptions, or blind spots in your business or
corporation and moving beyond them. - Being successful in all aspects of your business and personal life!
- Entrepreneurs
- Real Estate Agents
- Professionals
- Business Owners
- Managers
Coaching identifies specific behaviours that may need changing. It focuses on goal setting, and how to proceed when faced with challenging situations. It encourages you to view things from a different perspective.

I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my greatest assets I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man or woman is by appreciation and encouragement. Charles Schwab